HS&S Team Agreement

  • HS&S Team Agreement: (April 6, 2023) To be reviewed every 2 months.
    • Meeting agenda: (1.5 hour)
      • 15 mins: The team’s meeting agenda will start with reviewing the work that everyone has done this week, including any impediments (a standup / time box is 15 minutes). (These items are on the agenda, added by team members)
      • 60 mins: The next items on the agenda is to have a working session that will consist of
        • 1. ) reviewing the backlog,
        • 2.) review of “Done” items and move items that meet their “Acceptance Criteria” in the Acceptance column.
        • 3.) Archive items in the Acceptance column that are older than 90 days.
          4.) As things move to the Accepted and Done column, leaving room for flow, we now can reassess what we can move into in progress 
      • 15 mins: 4.) have a retrospective.
      • Place an item to be discussed on the meeting agenda prior to the weekly meeting.
        <Add a section for recurring items>
    • Scrum Master (flow-master / lean ambassador):
        • Scrum Master will help check in with the team regularly to in sure there aren’t any blockers with PBI work and other impediments.
        • Help facilitate the team meeting to update the agenda, keep minutes, follow the outline of the agenda as descried above, assign a time keeper and scribe if necessary.
        • Align all documents, posting, hosting, adding team members, help team members with escalations and coordination with other team members and stakeholders.
    • Product Owner
      • We need to describe the PO role and who on the team will take on this role.
        • This is essential in regards to our PBI review of items in the done column.
          • How will we capture new insights and ideas we can capture for product improvement and innovation?
    • Flow / Trello Board Management:
      • Team to start by reviewing the backlog items on the HS&S Trello board to ensure we have the minimum number of PBI cards.
      • Based on the number of developers – (in this case 3 persons), the backlog (in progress) should only contain 6 PBI cards or less.  (Formula: People x 2)
      • We agree to start with this “formula” (People x 2) to start with and review this in 1 month and then adjust accordingly.
      • PBIs in the “Done” status must be reviewed by the team for acceptance criteria – cannot be more than 6.
      • When a PBI is done, it is put in the done column.  Items put in the done column goes on the next team’s meeting agenda.
      • Once reviewed and if accepted after the review it is moved in the Accepted column.
      • Once PBIs are reviewed they are to be moved to the Accepted column.
    • Backlog Refinement:
      • Our refinement is based on a design sprint approach.
        • Design sprint discussions should occur when the backlog is cleared and we need more candidates to work on.
          • Backlog items that come out of the design sprints should be focused on the MVP (“small wins”) where we can accomplish a valuable incremental solution during each increment of a solution.
          • How to:
            • Increments
            • Check Lists
              • These would help us to maintain a consistent velocity and/or flow within our backlog.
    • Slack:
      • View Slack and email 2x daily
      •  Report timely the work effort on Daily Scrum (Standup) meeting
    • Work agreement:
      • Agree to dedicate a minimum of 2 hours/week to work on PBIs in the backlog.

Other Items for the team to consider adding to the team agreement.

  • Create PBI channels – * May not be applicable for HS&S since there will not be more than 6 PBI in progress at any point in time.(Apala)
  • Attend Sprint Events – * N/A (Apala)
  • Connect with the team SM/SMA/PO to clarify questions related to the PBI in the separate (PBI) Slack channel – *N/A(Apala)
  • Resource allocation – pairing of developers as and when needed 
    • If joining a PBI, reach out to the team to identify what work needs to done and where the team is in the process 
    • Present your ideas as a group
  • Do we need measure and track our “flow” via our Kanban board?
    • If so, what tool or technique should we use?
  • Avoid scheduling more than 1 meeting in a day.  Have a weekly team meeting (see details in this document regarding the team meeting agenda). 
  • Schedule meetings on the same day & time each week.
  • Reach out to each other anytime using DM or HS&S channels on Slack.
  • If there is an impediment, a team member should state available times to work with resources.
  • Each team member is to check for postings on the WP-Admin channel in Slack at least once a day.  Twice to three times a day during each Sprint Cycle’s two-week sprint period.
  • Additional items can be added to the backlog based on ideas and thoughts and discussed during the weekly meetings by the team.  * Updated to align with Kanban framework of continuous delivery. (Add this under the PO section.)
  • Individual photos (high resolution) need to be uploaded to the designated link
  • Linkedin Profile needs to be provided by the members
  • Follow the SVPM LinkedIn Page and Meetup Page.
  • Transfer ownership of the folders and artifacts (Documents, spreadsheets, ppts, etc) to “SVPM Scrum Team”  in the Google Docs.  Create and Maintain (read and edit) all HS&S documents on the asvpm.org WP server.  Limit all dependencies and use of the SVPM Scrum Team Google drive for maintaining and storing HS&S team related documents. This includes processes, procedures, guidelines, instructions, publications, meeting minutes, metrics, records, videos, presentations, etc.).
          • Basic Team Understanding:  (Should we consider including these basic team line items as well?)
            • Avoid procrastination for a quality outcome
            • Understand teammates’ motivations by getting to know what drives them
            • Collaborate and communicate effectively
            • Be flexible in learning and adapting to change
            • All ideas and decisions will be kept open until a final majority ruling is made by the team.
            • Be respectful of teammates’ ideas and thoughts.
            • Support team members; encourage and cheer them on.

HS&S Team:

David Bakhtnia

Don Stringari

Dianne McGaunn

Apala Chandola

Sharon Siegel

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