Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Nov. 2nd, 202311:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, David, Don, Eny, Meghana
Relevant Links:
- Onboarding Training PP practice deck
- Onboarding Training PP SP31 presentation deck
- Onboarding Training SP31 Agenda
- Nov. 2nd recording
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Discuss any last-minute changes or details regarding the Agenda or Onboarding Training PP slides before our go-live training session on Monday, Nov. 6th
- Discuss whether we want to add an OAT Team Accomplishment slide to the Kickoff Mtg deck
Doodle poll created by and sent out by Meghana. The most popular timeframe is from Noon-3:00 pm EST on Monday, Nov. 6th. She is still waiting for a couple more responses.
No changes are suggested for the Onboarding Training PP slide deck or the Agenda
Accomplishments for the OAT team were discussed and added to the SP31 Kickoff PP deck for SP 31. (See slides 27-29.)
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 3oth, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, Rohini, Xen, Don, Meghana, David, Eny, Wendy
Relevant Links:
- Onboarding Training PP practice deck
- Onboarding Training PP SP31 presentation deck
- Onboarding Training SP31 Agenda
- Oct. 30th recording
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Review Onboarding Training Agenda
- Review Updated Onboarding Training PP slides
- Review list of Volunteers
- Wendy Leung wendyleungwm@gmail.com
- Prateeksha Kalyani prateekshakp@icloud.com
- Olayemi Bolaji-Alabi (Yemi). olayemibolaji65@gmail.com
- Manas Kumar Mahananda. mkmanas1703@gmail.com
- Oluwabukola Hassan bukolahassan79@gmail.com
- Stephanie Christopher stefa.orr@gmail.com
- Determine date and 3 hour time frame that will work for OAT team members
All new volunteers have been added to #onboarding-trello-lab-planning-poker slack channel and Rohini-Trello Lab Board
Time frames to consider for SP 31 Onboarding Training:
Monday, Nov. 6th
9-12 EST
10-1 EST – Xen, Eny, Meghana, (David, Don)
11- 2 EST – Xen, Meghana, Wendy, Eny (David, Don)
12-3 EST – Xen, Eny, Meghana, Wendy (David, Don)
4:30 -7:30 EST – Wendy
- Meghana will send Doodle poll out to new volunteers for the 3 bolded and italicized timeframes above..
- Rohini will send template she uses to Meghana in the #oat-team slack channel.
- Rohini will set up call with Sharon to go thru how to set up Evaluation form for new volunteers
- Suggestion: Create new Training Trello board starting with Sprint 32
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 26th, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, Don, David, Eny, Wendy
Relevant Links:
- Onboarding Training PP practice deck
- Onboarding Training PP SP31 presentation deck
- Onboarding Training SP31 Agenda
- Oct. 26th recording
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Review Onboarding Training PP slides to ensure all info is correct and up to date
- Any additional discussions welcome
- Have multiple tabs open w/ the content being presented making it easier to switch between content
Created new folder in SP 30 Onboarding Google Doc for all of OAT Teams practice session recordings called Onboarding Training Prep for SP 31
Removed the yellow slides from Onboarding Training PP deck and moved to SP 31 Onboarding folder: OAT Team – SP 31 Onboarding Training PP
Created Word Document with Agenda, presenters and time-boxing for SP 31 Onboarding Training and added to SP 31 Onboarding folder
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 23rd, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, Xen, David, Donald, Wendy
Relevant Links:
- Onboarding Training PP practice deck
- Oct. 23rd recording
- Onboarding Training PP SP31 presentation deck
- Onboarding Training SP31 Agenda
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Practice Onboarding training sessions for:
- Slides 7-12 – Xen/Wendy Agile Manisfesto, Values & Principles
- Slides 14-22 – Wendy/Xen Internal Artifacts & SVPM teams
- Slides 42-46 – Wendy/Sharon LinkedIn, Meetup, SVPM Tools, Learning Support
- Wendy shared with us how to use Canvas on Slack to keep track of information that may easily get lost in slack threads. Example: We can use this as a one stop place for all of the URL links we share with the volunteers in the #onboarding channel or add meeting notes in the #oat-team channel or SMs to add Sprint related event documents in their team channels. Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 19th, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EATMembers: Sharon, Don, Eny, WendyRelevant Links:
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Practice Onboarding training sessions for:
- Slides 42-46 – Wendy/Sharon LinkedIn, Meetup, SVPM Tools, Learning Support
- Slides 48-50 (Closing slides) – OAT Team Summary, Evaluation, Q&A
‘Don S. Volunteer’ asked great questions and provided excellent feedback during today’s session:
- make sure the volunteer is in “View as Member” mode on our LinkedIn page in order to click on ‘Follow’
- talk about/plug upcoming events and various aspects of the “SVPM Meetup” page once the URL is shared w/ the volunteers via Zoom chat
- plug additional trainings available in the Learnings Module
- make sure to mention Onboarding Training is only covering the basics of various tools (i.e. Slack, WordPress, LinkedIn). Once each volunteer is participating in their scrum teams events, their first contact should be their SM to ask questions regarding their PBI or to request additional, in depth training.
- the # ask-me-anything channel is available for any questions the volunteers may have after the Onboarding Training. (Eny, this channel may be an excellent one to use to have the volunteers join during the Slack portion of the training.)
- Don pointed out the Evaluation title in the URL provided in the chat was for WordPress Training. I found the Evaluation Survey for the Onboarding Training and updated the link on PP slide 49.
- Wendy has requested adding Slides 42-46 for her to practice on Monday, Oct. 23rd. I will be adding her to the Agenda.
- Slides 7-12 – Xen/Wendy Agile Manisfesto, Values & Principles
- Slides 14-22 – Wendy/Xen Internal Artifacts & SVPM teams
- Slides 38-40 – Eny/Sharon WordPress
Practice Onboarding training sessions for:
- Slides 42-46 – Wendy/Sharon LinkedIn, Meetup, SVPM Tools, Learning Support
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 16th, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, Don, Eny, Xen, Meghana, Wendy, David
Relevant Links:
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Practice Onboarding training sessions for:
- Slides 32-36 – Sharon/Meghana Trello
- Slides 38-40 – Eny/Sharon WordPress
- Rohini’s Zoom license has been transferred to me
- Team agreed to following time-boxing of Onboarding Training Agenda for Sprint 31:
Onboarding Training Agenda
Slides 1-5 – Rohini/Meghana SVPM Introduction (20 min)
Slides 7-12 – Xen/Wendy Agile Manisfesto, Values & Principles (20 min)
Slides 14-22 – Wendy/Xen Internal Artifacts & SVPM teams (20 min)
Break (5 min)
Slides 24-25 – Meghana/Sharon Google Drive Info (10 min)
Slides 27-30 – Eny/Sharon Slack presentation (20 min)
Slides 32-36 – Sharon/Meghana Trello (30 min)
Break (5 min)
Slides 38-40 – Eny/Sharon WordPress (10 min)
Slides 42-46 – Wendy/Sharon LinkedIn, Meetup, SVPM Tools, Learning Support (10 min)
Slides 48-50 (Closing slides) – OAT Team Summary, Evaluation, Q&A (30 min)
Thursday, Oct. 19th agenda will cover training practice sessions for the last two PP slide groupings:
- Slides 42-46 – Wendy/Sharon LinkedIn, Meetup, SVPM Tools, Learning Support
- Slides 48-50 (Closing slides) – OAT Team Summary, Evaluation, Q&A
Since we are a week ahead of the original schedule of practice presentations, Monday’s (Oct. 23rd) meeting time slot will be dedicated to those who want to present their groupings again and to host questions we feel a new volunteer might ask to give each of us practice on how we would answer during the actual training.
- Slides 7-12 – Xen/Wendy Agile Manisfesto, Values & Principles
- Slides 14-22 – Wendy/Xen Internal Artifacts & SVPM teams
- Slides 38-40 – Eny/Sharon WordPress
Possible Volunteer questions and how we would answer them
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 12th, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, Don, Meghana, Xen, Eny, Wendy
Relevant Links:
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Practice Onboarding training sessions for:
- Slides 24-25 – Meghana/Sharon Google Drive Info
- Slides 27-30 – Eny/Sharon Slack presentation
- Don will be transferring Rohini’s Zoom license to me for our OAT team
- Transferring files/folders owned by you to SVPM Team will free up the original owners Local space
Make sure we have a timekeeper assigned before training starts
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 9th, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, David, Xen, Rohini, Eny, Don, Meghana, Wendy
Relevant Links:
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
- Practice Onboarding training sessions for:
- Slides 1-5 – Rohini/Meghana SVPM Introduction
- Slides 7-12 – Xen/Wendy Agile Manisfesto, Values & Principles
- Slides 14-22 – Wendy/Xen Internal Artifacts & SVPM teams
- Pinned Rohini’s recording of SP 30s Onboarding Training to the top of the #oat-team Slack channel
Will create a master copy of the Onboarding PP slide where the yellow breakpoint slides are removed
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 5th, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Sharon, David, Xen, Rohini, Eny, Don, Meghana, Wendy
Relevant Links:
Training slides teaching pairings: (Sprint 31)
Complete Onboarding Training PP slide groupings selections
- Slides 1-5 – Rohini/Meghana
- Slides 7-12 – Xen/Wendy
- Slides 14-22 – Wendy/Xen
- Slides 24-25 – Meghana/Sharon
- Slides 27-30 – Eny/Sharon
- Slides 32-36 – Sharon/Meghana
- Slides 38-40 – Eny/Sharon
- Slides 42-46 – Wendy/Sharon
- Slides 48-50 (Closing slides) – OAT Team
- Determine ongoing meetings frequency, day of week and time
- Mondays & Thursdays for next 3 weeks for practice teaching sessions 11:30 – 12:30 ET
Sharon will send out recurring Zoom invites for the above
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Oct. 2nd, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Don & David, Sharon, Xen, Wendy, Eny, Meghana
Relevant Links:
Initiation Phase: (Sprint 30)
- Rohini provided a Google Doc link to Onboarding Training Info.
- Rohini has given Admin rights to Don and me for her Trello lab
- Going forward, Rohini would like to present slides 1-5 of the Onboarding Training whenever her schedule permits
- Reviewed Rohini’s Onboarding Training PowerPoint deck with the team to determine logical slide groupings where individual/paired team members can teach during Sprint 31 (Trial Phase)
- Breakpoint slides were added to the Onboarding Training PowerPoint deck
- Team member names were added to the slide groupings they would like to teach
- Next meeting – Oct. 5, 2023 11am – 11:30am | 10am – 10:30 am CT | 9am – 9:30 am MT | 6:00pm – 6:30pm EAT
- Complete slide groupings selections
- Determine ongoing meetings frequency, day of week and time
- Set up time for practice teaching sessions before Sprint 31 Onboarding Training (sometime during week of 10/30/23 after the Kickoff mtg or Monday/Tuesday of week 11/6/23)
Onboarding & Training Team Meeting – Sept. 23rd, 2023 11:30am ET | 10:30am CT | 9:30am MT | 6:30pm EAT
Members: Don & David, Sharon, Xen, Wendy, Eny, Meghana
Relevant Links:
- Onboarding Training PP practice deck
- Onboarding Training PP SP31 presentation deck
- Onboarding Training SP31 Agenda
- Sprint Calendar
- Rohini (Product Owner)
- Sharon W. (Team Lead)
- Wendy
- Xeniah
- Meghana
- Eny
Initiation Phase: (Sprint 30)
- Rohini will provide knowledge transfer, guidance & direction for this team (consider Rohini’s position as the PO role for the RAQ team).
- Sprint 30 (Knowledge Transfer, Team & Process Development phase).
- Rohini will be conducting the Onboarding Training in Sprint 30.
- The training team will attend and observe onboarding training. (Done 9/18)
- Rohini will be conducting the Onboarding Training in Sprint 30.
- Sprint 30 (Knowledge Transfer, Team & Process Development phase).
Trial Phase: (Sprint 31)
- The team assigns itself various tasks and executes the OAT activities as Rohini provides guidance and direction.
- The Onboarding Training team receives the list of names and email addresses of the new qualified candidates for Sprint 31. This list will come from the Registration & Qualification team. The candidates on the list have attended the Overview meeting. *
- The training team will send a Doodle poll to establish the training day and time (must be sometime the week of the Kickoff and no later than the Monday of the Backlog Refinement week.)
- The training team will update training materials and teaching modules as needed.
- The training team will teach the Onboarding Training class – distribute training materials, deliver quizzes & questionnaires, day of and day after etc.
- Communicate to the Scrum Masters the list of attendees to validate they attended and participated in all segments of the class and have taken and passed the quiz.
Fully Execution Phase: (Sprint 32)
- Reflect, Adapt, and Repeat above…
- The team executes the Onboarding & Training activities but with limited guidance and direction from Rohini.
Ongoing Implementation:
- Reflect, Adapt, and Repeat…
Proposed Next Steps (depending on the results of the team’s Retrospective):
- Ongoing improvements such as team development and improvement of the execution of various tasks and activities.
- Consider adopting a Sprint or Kanban solution.
Trello board
- Trello exercise for Training
- Documents
- Artifacts
- Process
-slide for the document for excel
-Trello board- Change name for Trello board- the team board- Rohini
OAT Team Meeting – Oct. XXXth, 10 am PT/1 pm ET
Members: Sharon W. (lead), Wendy, Rohini,
Relevant Links:
30-min | Practise Session |
45-min | Team Meeting |
We need to focus on splitting …
Today’s agenda: