Meetup Preparations 2023

ASVPM Meetup Event Preparations

Please familiarize yourself with “ASVPM Meetup – Everything you need to know to organize a Meetup

This document includes preparation steps after the Event has been published on the Meetup platform

ASVPM Meetup Event Preparations for December 21, 2023

Meetup time: 12:00 am PST, 2:00 pm CST, 3:00 pm EST

Topic: Exceptional Team Effectiveness – A Group is Not A Team

Guest Speaker: Kimberly Wiefling

Meetup Event Link:


We will be going over these opening questions and updating the following checklist/assignments in this meeting:

Preliminary Start Time for Guest Speaker and Facilitators: 11:30 am PST, 1:30 pm CST, 2:30 pm EST on the event day of Dec. 21st, 2023.

NOTE: Needs break-out rooms, link to forms, etc.
Who will initiate breakout rooms for pairs of participants for the closing debriefs?

Backup Zoom meeting to use in an emergency:

David to share a backup Zoom meeting link with Facilitators/Co-Hosts, so they can have it on hand just in case (of Zoom Bombing). Here is the alternate emergency Zoom link info:


Alternative(Plan B): ASVPM Meetup Alternative Zoom (in case of any Zoom Bombing!)

We will have multiple co-hosts for any virtual meetings (to ensure continuous meeting sessions).


  1. <Meetup Team member – Content/Marketing>Apala to advertise and promote Meetup on social media, and Slack “General” channel.
  2. <Meetup Team member- Content/Marketing>Apala, David to send a reminder email to meetup group followers (LinkedIn, etc.).
  3. <Meetup Team member- Content/Marketing>Apala Re-broadcast announcements on LinkedIn and Meetup.
  4. <Meetup Team member/Co-Organizer>Apala/David To inform the guest speaker to join 20 minutes before the scheduled meetup start time.
  5. <Introducing Meetup team member> David to create a short 2-minute Introduction script with small variations that can continue to be used as standard for our meetups. Also, a 2-minute standard closing script.

We will look into Facebook as another social media to send our Meetup announcements in the future to get a broader audience to our event. (We will take this up with the HS&S team for discussion and further research for establishing an ASVPM Facebook account to expand our social media market reach.)


Team to perform a preliminary checkpoint (see “During The Meetup” and “After The Meetup” sections below) to assign the Host and other administrators for the event and confirm that all active members have their assignments for the meetup and the team is ready.
->Repeat 3a for this meetup.
->Review requirements from Kimberly Wiefling in the intake form
or ASVPM Meetup Speaker Requirements Checklist


Preliminary Questions for the Guest Speaker:

  • Ask the speaker if they would like to stay on the call for 10 minutes after the end of the Meetup to entertain any further Q&As or discussions with our guests.
    • If our Speaker can stay after the call for an extra 10 minutes: Then at the end of the hour, we will announce to the guests that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion. This activity will not be recorded. (See step 16 below.)
    • If our Speaker has a hard stop and can’t remain on the call after the end of the meetup: If the guest speaker has a “hard stop”, inform them that we will make the final closing announcement, and they will be free to leave the call at that time. We will still keep the call open for the remaining 10 minutes to participants for open forum discussions.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to record and publish this meetup event.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the ASVPM Meetup recording on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to obtain and publish their presentation slides.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the Guest Speaker’s presentation slides on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.
  • Check with the speaker if they would be okay to leave most of the Q&A addressed towards the last 10 minutes of the event to keep the flow of the presentation and for time boxing.


  1. David is to start meeting 30 minutes before.
    1. Be sure Host Facilitator and Guest Speaker for this event is set with Co-host permissions.
    2. Be sure Meetup Team are set with co-host permissions – Don, David, Felecia, Apala, Soumya, and the Speaker
  2. All ASVPM Hosts & Co-Hosts add “ASVPM” next to the Zoom display names for the visitors to know which Meetup Team members are representing this meetup event.  (Suggest testing the Logo option in our next retro.)
  3. <Meetup Team Co-hosts > David & Soumya  Check the meetup page – comments
    1. <Meetup Team Co-hosts> Donald, Soumya, Apala, Felecia, and David to admit incoming attendees to the meeting (muted)
      Please Note:

      1. Incoming attendees should not be admitted before the actual start time of the meetup. This is because attendees need not listen to the logistics review discussions between the speaker, and the meetup team.
      2. Mute everyone as they join, only the host and speaker should be unmuted during the guest speaker presentation.
      3. For attendees with no-name, please ask them to rename themselves in the waiting room chat!
      4. Remove “Trolls” in the chat, or anyone else that exhibits any kind of rude and/or weird behavior.
  4. <Meetup Team Co-host> Soumya to record to the cloud.
  5. <Meetup Team Co-host> Soumya Set the Transcript feature to on (located in the “more” options) – note this will enable subtitles during the call.
    1. Note: Transcript download can be used to aid us in writing articles on the speaker’s subject matter for our website.
  6. <Host Facilitator> David a.) Welcome attendees, b.) Introduce the ASVPM Meetup Event and c.) Introduce the Guest Speaker and ask them to begin their presentation.
    1. (Please refer to the ASVPM Example Meetup Host Introduction Script.)
  7. <Chat Moderator> Apala to moderate the chat.
    1. (Please refer to the Moderator Tasks document.)
  8. <Break-Out Activity Moderator> Glenda Grant
      1. This is Kimberly’s assistant and will setup and coordinate the break-out activities and events.
        1. <Break-Out Activity Moderator Backup> Soumya
          1. Will assist Glenda as needed.
          2. (Please refer to the ASVPM Meetup Speaker Requirements Checklist.)
  9. <Meetup Team Co-host(s)> David, Don, Apala, Soumya, Felecia to remove anyone that has a weird behavior.
  10. <Meetup Team Co-host(s)> David, Don, Apala, Soumya, Felecia mute everyone as they join, only the host and speaker can be unmuted.
  11. <Host Facilitator>David When presentation is concluded, announce the Q&A session.
    1. Use time-box discretion, speaker’s flexibility, and if not enough questions in chat to allow a couple of attendees to ask their questions directly at the end.
  12. <Meetup Team Q&A moderator> Soumya Track Q&A posts in the chat. The Q&A moderator would read the questions from the chat – only during the Q&A session.
  13. <Meetup Team Timekeeper> Soumya Will acts as the timekeeper.
  14. <Host Facilitator> David Check with the timekeeper to determine the time remaining and inform the Speaker and Guests of the time remaining for the Q&A – taking into consideration reserving 3 minutes before closing for final announcements.
  15. <Host Facilitator> David: Conclude and Close the Meetup session (after the Q&A).
    1. (Please refer to the ASVPM Example Meetup Host Introduction Script.)
      1. Example:
        1. Thank the speaker
        2. Thank our Supporting Donors ($200 or more…) – i.e., Kimberly Wiefling
        3. Thank our Sponsors.
    2. Inform the community about the next meetups, and future events, (Meetup page, Website for blogs, and follow us on LinkedIn, etc.) and paste the link of the meetup page to follow up, so they are informed
    3. Mention the Guest Speaker’s contact details/website.
    4. Announce the recording will be available on our community-blog website in a week.
    5. Ask participants to post questions to the meetup page, or to feel free to reach out to the guest speaker directly.
  16. <Chat Moderator> Apala: –  Post any donor information such as webpages and/or LinkedIn contact information in the Chat. 
    1. All information referred by the Host Facilitator in the Donor announcements above is to be posted on chat.
  17. <Meetup Team Co-host> Soumya: Stop the recording and keep the Zoom session active.
  18. <Host Facilitator> David: Announce the 10-minute “post-meeting social”.
    1. Inform the attendees that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion.
      1. (Please refer to the ASVPM Example Meetup Host Introduction Script.)
  19. <Host Facilitator> David: Announce the conclusion of the “post-meeting social” and close the Zoom session.
    1. Note to <Host Facilitator> and/or <Meetup Team Timekeeper>: Please feel free to extend the social activity to over 15 minutes if this activity continues to be engaged with active and lively discussions, (otherwise you may close early) but don’t let this activity go any longer 20 minutes. After 20 minutes be sure to thank them for joining again, then announce the close of this Meetup and encourage the host and guests to contact each other “offline” on LinkedIn for further follow-up information and discussions.

Note: If the Speaker has a hard stop:

  • If the speaker has a “hard stop” they would be free to leave the call and the call will remain open for 10 minutes for guest discussions.


  1. Donald to download the recording
  2. Donald to upload the recording on
  3. Donald to upload the text format (this is the whole script of the presentation) on
  4. Donald to upload the presentation if shared on
  5. Donald to update the “Meetup & events” page on with the recording and presentation and the text. (Convert the presentation deck to PDF.)
  6. Donald to inform the #hs&s group once the links are ready.
  7. Apala to email the speaker after the meetup to thank him/her. (mention on behalf of the Co-hosts by name and the ASVPM community)
  8. Apala to send a thank-you email to the Meetup attendees with the survey link.
  9. Apala to send a message to the leadership/general channels on Slack informing them of the recording/presentation/transcript once uploaded “Meetup & events” page. Also, send out a survey link.
  10. Apala to send a brief email to meetup attendees with the link where we’ve uploaded the recording, etc., and a survey link. Note: Based on our observation from past events, we do not send these links to the public domain and meetup comments. (This will negatively impact our future attendance.)

The following is for review in Retrospective and is included as a post-event task upon approval from ASVPM Meetup team members

For the meetup event:

Survey to gain insights to improve attendee experience:

  • Sent out the survey link in the chat, in a Thank you email, and in Slack General channel to event attendees in the previous meetup.
  • Only 5 responses were received. Not enough data to draw any conclusions.
  • Review feedback & insights with the team to improve the survey.

For subsequent meetup events:

*Several guest speakers have expressed having positive experiences with the ASVPM meetup team in planning, organizing, communicating, hosting, and facilitating events. Hence a short survey to gain insights to improve the Speaker experience can be explored in the future.

Survey to gain Insights to improve Speaker experience:

  • Review Survey questions
  • Finalize survey questions
  • Create survey
  • Send out a post-meetup event short survey to the Speaker
  • Review feedback
  • Insights for improvement

Facebook – another Social media for broadcasting Meetup events 
Look into Facebook as another social media to send our Meetup announcements to expand our social media market reach and get a broader audience to our event. (HS&S team to further discuss/research to utilize an ASVPM Facebook account

Other Info:

The presentation will take 45 minutes including team exercise or breakout room activities to be completed in 6 – 12 minutes x 2 or 3 exercises 15 minutes for Q&A, bonus material, parking lot questions, e.t.c. As we understand, here are the specific requirements for this meetup: – Facilitate the break-out rooms for groups of participants. – Share whiteboard with all to write on. – Keep chat open for participants to chat with each other during the meetup. – Add you and your assistant as co-hosts.

ASVPM Meetup Event Preparations for Novemeber 9, 2023

Meetup time: 11:00 am PST, 1:00 pm CST, 2:00 pm EST

Topic: Make NEW Mistakes – Secrets from an Agile Success



We will be going over these opening questions and updating the following checklist/assignments in this meeting:

Preliminary Start Time for Guest Speaker and Facilitators: 10:30 am PST, 12:30 pm CST, 1:30 pm EST on the event day of Nov. 9th, 2023.

NOTE: Needs break-out rooms, intake form details provided by Bernie Maloney.
Soumya will initiate breakout rooms for pairs of participants for the closing debriefs.

Backup Zoom meeting to use in an emergency:

David will share a backup Zoom meeting link with Facilitators/Co-Hosts, so they can have it on hand just in case (of Zoom Bombing). Here is the alternate emergency Zoom link info:

Alternative(Plan B): ASVPM Meetup Alternative Zoom (in case of any Zoom Bombing!)

We will have multiple co-hosts for any virtual meetings (to ensure continuous meeting sessions).


  1. <Meetup Team member – Content/Marketing>Apala to advertise and promote Meetup on social media, and Slack “General” channel.
  2. <Meetup Team member- Content/Marketing>Apala, David to send a reminder email to meetup group followers (LinkedIn, etc.).
  3. <Meetup Team member- Content/Marketing>Apala Re-broadcast announcements on LinkedIn and Meetup.
    3a. Send out a handout provided by Bernie to all members who signed up for the meetup and to all  ASVPM Community members in the general channel.
  4. <Meetup Team member/Co-Organizer>Apala/David To inform the guest speaker to join 20 minutes before the scheduled meetup start time.
  5. <Introducing Meetup team member> Felecia to create a short 2-minute Introduction script with small variations that can continue to be used as standard for our meetups. Also, a 2-minute standard closing script.

We will look into Facebook as another social media to send our Meetup announcements in the future to get a broader audience to our event. (We will take this up with the HS&S team for discussion and further research for establishing an ASVPM Facebook account to expand our social media market reach.)


Team to perform a preliminary checkpoint (see “During The Meetup” and “After The Meetup” sections below) to assign the Host and other administrators for the event and confirm that all active members have their assignments for the meetup and the team is ready.
->Repeat 3a for this meetup.
->Review requirements from Bernie in the intake form


Preliminary Questions for the Guest Speaker:

  • Ask the speaker if they would like to stay on the call for 10 minutes after the end of the Meetup to entertain any further Q&As or discussions with our guests.
    • If our Speaker can stay after the call for an extra 10 minutes: Then at the end of the hour, we will announce to the guests that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion. This activity will not be recorded. (See step 16 below.)
    • If our Speaker has a hard stop and can’t remain on the call after the end of the meetup: If the guest speaker has a “hard stop”, inform them that we will make the final closing announcement, and they will be free to leave the call at that time. We will still keep the call open for the remaining 10 minutes to participants for open forum discussions.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to record and publish this meetup event.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the ASVPM Meetup recording on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to obtain and publish their presentation slides.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the Guest Speaker’s presentation slides on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.
  • Check with the speaker if they would be okay to leave most of the Q&A addressed towards the last 10 minutes of the event to keep the flow of the presentation and for time boxing.


  1. Donald/David is to start meeting 30 minutes before
  2. Co-Hosts add “ASVPM” next to the Zoom display names for the visitors to know who is representing the meetup.  (Suggest testing the Logo option in our next retro.)
  3. <Introducing Meetup team member> Felecia to add “ASVPM – host” on her Zoom display name.
  4. Make <Introducing Meetup team member> Felecia as “Host”→ 
    1. Make Co-host – Don, David, Felecia, Apala, Soumya, and the Speaker
  5. <Co-host Member> Apala Check the meetup page – comments
  6. <Co-host Member> Soumya (Don)to admit incoming attendees to the meeting (muted)
    Pls. Note: Incoming attendees should not be admitted before the actual start time of the meetup. This is because attendees need not listen to the logistics review discussions between the speaker, and the meetup team.
    For attendees with no-name, please ask them to rename themselves in the waiting room chat!
  7. < Co-host Member> Soumya (Don/David) Click on Transcript in “more” – we will have subtitles during the call and we will be able to download the script, so if in the future we want to write an article we can take the text from there.
  8. <Co-host Member> Soumya (Don/David) to record to the cloud.
  9. Introducing Meetup team member>Felecia to introduce ASVPM + the speaker
  10. <Chat Moderator> Soumya/Apala to moderate the chat
  11. <Co-host Member> David/Don & Soumya to remove anyone that has a weird behavior
  12. <Co-host Member> Soumya (Don) mutes everyone as they join, only the host and speaker can be unmuted.
  13. <Introducing Meetup team member>Felecia to open up the Q&A session
  14. <Q&A moderator> Soumya tracks Q&A in the chat. The Q&A moderator would ask the questions from the chat (use time-box discretion, speaker’s flexibility, and if not enough questions in chat to allow a couple of attendees to ask their questions directly at the end).
  15. <Co-host Member> Don/David acts as timekeeper.
  16. <Introducing Meetup team member> Felecia Check with the timekeeper to determine the time remaining and inform the Speaker and Guests of the time remaining for the Q&A – taking into consideration reserving 3 minutes prior to closing for final announcements.
  17. <Introducing Meetup team member>Felecia to close the session (verbal)
    1. Thanks the speaker
    2. Thank our Supporting Donors ($200 or more…) – Kimberly Wiefling and provide her webpage and LinkedIn contact links: 
      1. Kimberly Weifling’s Consulting Website Link: 
      2. Kimberly Weifling’s LinkedIn Link:
      3. Thank our sponsor Sharon Wright.
    3. Inform the community about the next meetups, and future events, (Meetup page, Website for blogs, and follow us on LinkedIn, etc.) and paste the link of the meetup page to follow up, so they are informed
    4. Mention the Guest Speaker’s contact details/website.
    5. Announce the recording will be available on our community-blog website in a week’s time.
    6. Ask participants to post questions to the meetup page, or to feel free to reach out to the guest speaker directly.
  18. < Chat Moderator>Soumya/Apala: All the Above info is to be posted on chat.
  19. <Co-host member> Don/Soumya/David: Stop the recording.
  20. <Introducing Meetup team member> Felecia: Inform the attendees that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion.
  21. <Introducing Meetup team member>Felecia: Announce the 10-minute “post-meeting social” – stay active.

If the Speaker has a hard stop:

  • If the speaker has a “hard stop” they would be free to leave the call and the call will remain open for 10 minutes for guest discussions.


  1. Donald to download the recording
  2. Donald to upload the recording on
  3. Donald to upload the text format (this is the whole script of the presentation) on
  4. Donald to upload the presentation if shared on
  5. Donald to update the “Meetup & events” page on with the recording and presentation and the text. (Convert the presentation deck to PDF.)
  6. Donald to inform the #hs&s group once the links are ready.
  7. Apala to email the speaker after the meetup to thank him/her. (mention on behalf of the Co-hosts by name and the ASVPM community)
  8. Apala to send a thank-you email to the Meetup attendees with the survey link.
  9. Apala to send a message to the leadership/general channels on Slack informing them of the recording/presentation/transcript once uploaded “Meetup & events” page. Also, send out a survey link.
  10. Apala to send a brief email to meetup attendees with the link where we’ve uploaded the recording, etc., and a survey link. Note: Based on our observation from past events, we do not send these links to the public domain and meetup comments. (This will negatively impact our future attendance.)

The following is for review in Retrospective and is included as a post-event task upon approval from ASVPM Meetup team members

For the meetup event:

Survey to gain insights to improve attendee experience:

  • Sent out the survey link in the chat, in a Thank you email, and in Slack General channel to event attendees in the previous meetup.
  • Only 5 responses were received. Not enough data to draw any conclusions.
  • Review feedback & insights with the team to improve the survey.

For subsequent meetup events:

*Several guest speakers have expressed having positive experiences with the ASVPM meetup team in planning, organizing, communicating, hosting, and facilitating events. Hence a short survey to gain insights to improve the Speaker experience can be explored in the future.

Survey to gain Insights to improve Speaker experience:

  • Review Survey questions
  • Finalize survey questions
  • Create survey
  • Send out a post-meetup event short survey to the Speaker
  • Review feedback
  • Insights for improvement

Facebook – another Social media for broadcasting Meetup events 
Look into Facebook as another social media to send our Meetup announcements to expand our social media market reach and get a broader audience to our event. (HS&S team to further discuss/research to utilize an ASVPM Facebook account



ASVPM Meetup Event Preparations for <Date>October 24, 2023

Meetup time: 12:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm CDT, 3:00 pm EDT, 8:00 pm GMT, and 9:00 pm CET

Topic: Mastering Agile Systems Engineering for Agile Practitioners

Guest Speaker: Dr. Nate Crews

Prep Meeting Zoom Recording:

Intro & Closing Script:

Event Recording:

Event Transcript:

Event Chat:


We will be going over these opening questions and updating the following checklist/assignments in this meeting:

Preliminary Start Time for Guest Speaker and Facilitators: 11:30 am PDT, 1:30 pm CDT, 2:30 pm EDT, 7:30 pm GMT, and 8:30 pm CET on the event day of Oct. 24th, 2023.

NOTEs for Today’s Checkpoint Meeting:

Let’s work on creating an outline for the Host introduction and final announcements.

Let’s check on every prep meeting as best practice let’s ensure we all confirm who will create the zoom meeting links.  (For example: David’s SVPM zoom account is under his email address “” and Donald’s is “”.)  Also, let’s make co-hosts all facilitators on our Meetup team that have a SVPM zoom license.

Apala created a survey and would like to provide a link to this survey the Meetup event chat for attendees at the end of the meetup.   And also post survey “Thank you” letter and add the survey link there as well.  This was approved for this meetup event.

Backup Zoom meeting to use in an emergency:

David will share a backup Zoom meeting link with Facilitators/Co-Hosts, so they can have it on hand just in case (of Zoom Bombing). Here is the alternate emergency Zoom link info:

Alternative(Plan B): ASVPM Meetup Alternative Zoom (in case of any Zoom Bombing!)

We will have multiple co-hosts for any virtual meetings (to ensure continuous meeting sessions).


  1. <Meetup Team member – Content/Marketing>Apala to advertise and promote Meetup on social media, and Slack “General” channel.  Done
  2. <Meetup Team member- Content/Marketing>Apala, David to send a reminder email to meetup group followers (LinkedIn, etc.). Done
  3. <Meetup Team member- Content/Marketing>Apala Re-broadcast announcements on LinkedIn and Meetup.  Done
  4. <Meetup Team member/Co-Organizer>Apala/David To inform the guest speaker to join 20 minutes prior to the scheduled meetup start time.  Remind Apala to do this today.  10/20
  5. <Introducing Meetup team member> Don will create a short 2-minute Introduction script with small variations that can continue to be used as standard for our meetups. Also, a 2-minute standard closing script.  Don.  Do by Monday 10/20.

We will look into Facebook as another social media to send our Meetup announcements in the future to get a broader audience to our event. (We will take this up with the HS&S team for discussion and further research for establishing an ASVPM Facebook account to expand our social media market reach.)


Team to perform a preliminary checkpoint (see “During The Meetup” and “After The Meetup” sections below) to assign the Host and other administrators for the event and confirm that all active members have their assignments for the meetup and the team is ready.


Preliminary Questions for the Guest Speaker:

  • Ask the speaker if they would like to stay on the call for 10 minutes after the end of the Meetup to entertain any further Q&As or discussions with our guests.
    • If our Speaker can stay after the call for an extra 10 minutes: Then at the end of the hour, we will announce to the guests that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion. This activity will not be recorded. (See step 16 below.)
    • If our Speaker has a hard stop and can’t remain on the call after the end of the meetup: If the guest speaker has a “hard stop”, inform them that we will make the final closing announcement, and they will be free to leave the call at that time. We will still keep the call open for the remaining 10 minutes to participants for open forum discussions.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to record and publish this meetup event.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the ASVPM Meetup recording on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to obtain and publish their presentation slides.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the Guest Speaker’s presentation slides on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.
  • Check with the speaker if they would be okay to leave most of the Q&A addressed towards the last 10 minutes of the event to keep the flow of the presentation and for time boxing.



  1. David is to start meeting 30 minutes before
  2. Co-Hosts add “ASVPM” next to the Zoom display names for the visitors to know who is representing the meetup.  (Suggest testing the Logo option in our next retro.)  We will try this in November Meetup.
  3. <Introducing Meetup team member> Don to add “ASVPM – host” on their Zoom display.
  4. Make <Introducing Meetup team member> Don as “Host”→ 
    1. Make Co-host – David, Felecia, Apala, Soumya, and the Speaker
  5. <Co-host Member> Soumya Check the meetup page – comments (be mindful of putting anything confidential on the Meetup comments).
  6. <Co-host Member> Soumya (Felecia) to admit incoming attendees to the meeting (muted)
  7. <Co-host Member> Apala / Soumya / Felecia (David) mutes everyone as they join, only the host and speaker can be unmuted.
    Pls. Note: Incoming attendees should not be admitted before the actual start time of the meetup. This is because attendees need not listen to the logistics review discussions between the speaker, and the meetup team.
  8. < Co-host Member> Soumya (David) Click on Transcript in “more” – we will have subtitles during the call and we will be able to download the script, so if in the future we want to write an article we can take the text from there.
  9. <Co-host Member> Soumya (David) to record – to the cloud.
  10. Introducing Meetup team member>Don to introduce ASVPM + the speaker
  11. <Chat Moderator> Apala / Soumya / Felecia (David) to moderate the chat
  12. <Co-host Member> Apala / Soumya / Felecia (David) to remove anyone that has a weird behavior
  13. Presentation —–
  14. <Host to Open up the Q&A Session>Don to open up the Q&A session
  15. <Q&A moderator> Felecia tracks Q&A in the chat. The Q&A moderator would ask the questions from the chat (use time-box discretion, speaker’s flexibility, and if not enough questions in chat to allow a couple of attendees to ask their questions directly at the end).
  16. <Co-host Member> Soumya (Apala, David) acts as timekeeper.
  17. <Host’s Time Check> Don Check with the timekeeper to determine the time remaining and inform the Speaker and Guests of the time remaining for the Q&A – taking into consideration reserving 3 minutes prior to closing for final announcements.
  18. <Introducing Meetup team member>Don to close the session (verbal)
    1. Thanks the speaker
    2. Thank our Top Sponsor – Kimberly Wiefling / Sharon Wright and provide their webpage and/or LinkedIn contact links: 
      1. Kimberly Weifling’s Consulting Website Link: 
      2. Kimberly Weifling’s LinkedIn Link:
    3. Inform the community about the next meetups, and future events, (Meetup page, Website for blogs, and follow us on LinkedIn, etc.) and paste the link of the meetup page to follow up, so they are informed
    4. Mention the Guest Speaker’s contact details/website.
    5. Announce the recording will be available on our community-blog website in a week’s time.
    6. Ask participants to post questions to the meetup page, or to feel free to reach out to the guest speaker directly.
  19. < Chat Moderator>Apala: All the Above info is to be posted on chat.
  20. <Co-host member> David/Soumya: Stop the recording.
  21. <Introducing Meetup team member> Don: Inform the attendees that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion.
  22. <Introducing Meetup team member>Don: Announce the 10-minute “post-meeting social” – stay active.

If the Speaker has a hard stop:

  • If the speaker has a “hard stop” they would be free to leave the call and the call will remain open for 10 minutes for guest discussions.


  1. Donald to download the recording
  2. Donald to upload the recording on
  3. Donald to upload the text format (this is the whole script of the presentation) on
  4. Donald to upload the presentation if shared on
  5. Donald to update the “Meetup & events” page on with the recording and presentation and the text. (Convert the presentation deck to PDF.)
  6. Donald to inform the #hs&s group once the links are ready.
  7. Apala to email the speaker after the meetup to thank him/her. (mention on behalf of the Co-hosts by name and the ASVPM community)
  8. Apala to send a thank-you email to the Meetup attendees.
  9. Apala to send a message to the leadership/general channels on Slack informing them of the recording/presentation/transcript once uploaded “Meetup & events” page.
  10. Apala to send a brief email to meetup attendees with the link where we’ve uploaded the recording, etc. Note: Based on our observation from past events, we do not send these links to the public domain and meetup comments. (This will negatively impact our future attendance.)

The following is to be reviewed in Restrospective and included as a post-event task upon approval from ASVPM Meetup team members.

For the next meetup event:

Survey to gain insights to improve attendee experience:

  • Review Survey questions – Apala has shared with the Meetup team members(9/26)
  • Finalize survey questions
  • Create survey
  • Share the link to a post-event short survey in Zoom chat towards the end of the event.
  • Send out the survey link in the Thank you email to event attendees through the Meetup platform.
  • Remind attendees on the Slack General channel to fill out the survey sent in the email (without sharing the survey link on the channel)
  • Review feedback
  • Insights for improvement

For subsequent meetup events:

*Several guest speakers have expressed having positive experiences with the ASVPM meetup team in planning, organizing, communicating, hosting, and facilitating events. Hence a short survey to gain insights to improve the Speaker experience can be explored in the future.

Survey to gain Insights to improve Speaker experience:

  • Review Survey questions
  • Finalize survey questions
  • Create survey
  • Send out a post-meetup event short survey to the Speaker
  • Review feedback
  • Insights for improvement

Facebook – another Social media for broadcasting Meetup events 
Look into Facebook as another social media to send our Meetup announcements to expand our social media market reach and get a broader audience to our event. (HS&S team to further discuss/research to utilize an ASVPM Facebook account


ASVPM Meetup Event Preparations for September 27, 2023

Please familiarize yourself with “ASVPM Meetup – Everything you need to know to organize a Meetup

Meetup time: 12:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm CST, 3:00 pm EDT, 8:00 pm GMT, and 9:00 pm CET

Topic: Debunking Misconceptions and Improving Scrum Practices

Guest Speaker: Matthias Orgler


We will be going over these opening questions and updating the following checklist/assignments in this meeting:

Preliminary Start Time for Guest Speaker and Facilitators: 11:30 am PDT, 1:30 pm CDT, 2:30 pm EDT, 7:30 pm GMT, and 8:30 pm CET on the event day of Sept. 27, 202.

NOTE: Matthias will be in the UK during the event, and he is contacted to be available for the event accordingly.

Backup Zoom meeting to use in an emergency:

David will share a backup Zoom meeting link with Facilitators/Co-Hosts, so they can have it on hand just in case (of Zoom Bombing). Here is the alternate emergency Zoom link info:

Alternative: ASVPM Meetup Alternative Zoom (in case of any Zoom Bombing!):

We will have multiple co-hosts for any virtual meetings (to ensure continuous meeting sessions).


  1. Apala to advertise and promote Meetup on social media and Slack general channel.
  2. Apala/David to send a reminder email to meetup group followers (LinkedIn, etc.). –  Done.

LinkedIn and Meetup announcements have been re-broadcasted.  We will look into Facebook as another social media to send our Meetup announcements in the future to get a broader audience to our event. (We will take this up with the HS&S team for discussion and further research for establishing an ASVPM Facebook account to expand our social media market reach.)


Perform a preliminary checkpoint (see “During The Meetup” and “After The Meetup” sections below) to assign the Host and other administrators for the event and confirm that all active members have their assignments for the meetup and the team is ready.


Preliminary Questions for the Guest Speaker:

  • Ask the speaker if they would like to stay on the call for 10 minutes after the end of the Meetup to entertain any further Q&As or discussions with our guests.
    • If our Speaker can stay after the call for an extra 10 minutes: Then at the end of the hour, we will announce to the guests that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion. This activity will not be recorded. (See step 16 below.)
    • If our Speaker has a hard stop and can’t remain on the call after the end of the meetup: If the guest speaker has a “hard stop”, inform them that we will make the final closing announcement, and they will be free to leave the call at that time. We will still keep the call open for the remaining 10 minutes to participants for open forum discussions.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to record and publish this meetup event.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the ASVPM Meetup recording on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.
  • Ask the speaker for permission to obtain and publish their presentation slides.
    • Explain ASVPM Meetup’s recording and publishing policy.
      • We post the Guest Speaker’s presentation slides on the website only.
      • Will remove any time at the request of the speaker, etc.


  1. Donald is to start meeting 30 minutes before
  2. Co-Hosts add “ASVPM” next to the Zoom display names for the visitors to know who is representing the meetup.  (Suggest testing the Logo option in our next retro.)
  3. Felecia to make host → 
    1. Co-host Don, David, Felecia, Apala, Soumya, and the Speaker (Matthias)
  4. Soumya check the meetup page – comments
  5. Soumya (Don) to allow everyone in the meeting (muted)
  6. Soumya (Don) click on Transcript in “more” – we will have subtitles during the call and I will be able to download the script, so if in the future we want to do an article we can take the text from there.
  7. Soumya (Don) to record
  8. Felecia to introduce ASVPM + the speaker
  9. Soumya & Apala to check the chat
  10. Don & Soumya to remove anyone that has a weird behavior
  11. Soumya (Don) mutes everyone as they join, only the host and speaker can be unmuted.
  12. Felecia to open up the Q&A session
    1. (Check with the timekeeper to determine the time remaining and inform the Speaker and Guests of the time remaining for the Q&A – taking into consideration reserving 3 minutes prior to closing for final announcements).
  13. Felecia to close the session (verbal)
    1. Thanks the speaker
    2. Thank our Top Sponsor – Kimberly Wiefling and provide her webpage and LinkedIn contact links: 
      1. Kimberly Weifling’s Consulting Website Link: 
      2. Kimberly Weifling’s LinkedIn Link:
    3. Inform the community about the next meetups, and future events, (Meetup page, Website for blogs, and follow us on LinkedIn, etc.) and paste the link of the meetup page to follow up, so they are informed
    4. Mention Matthias’ website.
    5. Announce the recording will be available on our community-blog website in a week’s time.
    6. Ask participants to post questions to the meetup page, or to feel free to reach out to Matthias directly.
  14. Apala: All the Above info is to be posted on chat.
  15. Don: Stop the recording.
  16. Felecia: Inform the attendees that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion.
  17. Felecia: Announce the 10-minute “post-meeting social” – stay active.

If the Speaker has a hard stop:

  • If the speaker has a “hard stop” they would be free to leave the call and the call will remain open for 10 minutes for guest discussions.


  1. Donald to download the recording
  2. Donald to upload the recording
  3. Donald to upload the text format (this is the whole script of the presentation)
  4. Donald to upload the presentation if shared
  5. Donald to update the “Meetup & events” page on with the recording and presentation and the text. (Convert the presentation deck to PDF.)
  6. Donald to contact #hs&s group once the links are ready.
  7. Apala to email the speaker after the meetup to thank him/her. (mention on behalf of the Co-hosts by name and the ASVPM community)
  8. Apala to send a thank-you email to the Meetup attendees.
  9. Apala to send a message to the leadership/general channels on Slack informing them the recording/presentation/transcript has been stored and where (or you prefer to email everyone in the @general channel?).

Apala to send a brief email to meetup attendees with the link where we’ve uploaded the recording, etc. Note: We do not send these links to the public domain. (This will negatively impact our future attendance.)

To Do in the Retrospect period:

For subsequent meetup events:
Survey for attendees:
1. Review Survey questions – Apala has shared with the Meetup team members(9/26)

  1. Finalize survey questions
  2. Create survey
    4. Send out post-meetup event short survey to attendees
    5. Review feedback
  3. Insights for improvement for Speaker:
    1. Review Survey questions
  4. Finalize survey questions
  5. Create survey
    4. Send out post post-meetup short event survey to the Speaker
  6. Review feedback
  7. Insights for improvement

Retrospective of September Meetup:

  • The topic for our community was well chosen. Following a hard stop, we had a nice conversation among attendees, attending to Q&A, and networking.
  • Q&A could be handled better and leave most of the questions at the end of the meetup (for time boxing). Also, the event host to ask the question (rather than the person posing the question). we can start the event within the first 2-3 minutes is better than waiting for the most attendees to join.
  • Need to create an Introduction script that is “kind’a” standard for our meetups!


ASVPM Meetup Event Preparations for August 16, 2023

Time: 12:00 pm PDT / 2:00 pm CST / 3:00 pm EDT

Topic: Role of AI in Enterprise Agile Transformation Journey

Our Guest Speaker: Farzad Moshfeg


We will be going over these opening questions and updating the following checklist/assignments for this meeting:

Opening Questions:

    1. Who will be hosting? Felecia
    2. Is there a Zoom link setup for this event? Yes
    3. Where is the Zoom link for this event posted? Yes
      1. It is posted in this event’s meetup setting.
      2. David/Don/Apala are set up as Hosts.

Plan “B” Backup Link:

Meeting ID: 894 1646 6589

Passcode: jusvpmly23


  1. David – Zoom Host to start meeting 20 minutes before
  2. David – to provide co-host settings to Felecia and Farzad (our guest speaker). (Don and Apala are already setup as co-hosts.
  3. Done via email with Farzad prior to this call – to check with Farzad to be sure he is in agreement with recording the event and if he is willing to share his slides for our recording: used for ASVPM and Meetup Community Members.
  4. Felecia (Primary) – Facilitator to start allowing visitors/guests to enter the Zoom call – in mute (at the top of the hour – allowing 5 minutes for folks to enter the call before we start). (Don/Apala/David will be backup for this role/responsibility.)
  5. David –  1.) Thank the guest speaker (Farzad), 2.) Remind the guests that this event will be recorded, and 3.) Once we start letting in guests, inform attendees who wish to protect their identity in this recording to turn off their camera and/or edit their last name (or change it to an alias), otherwise, they have the option to exit from this event at any time.
  6. Don – Facilitator to start the Meetup recording (to the Zoom cloud).
  7. Co-hosts – Felecia (Announcer), Apala, and Don.
    1. Hosts and Co-Hosts from ASVPM are to include “ASVPM” after your name, same for the rest of the co-hosts. (Optional stretch goal – set up the SVPM Logo.)
  8. Felecia – is the Event Speaker, presenting as a Zoom Co-Host will take control of the event.
  9. Apala – Facilitator to check the meetup page – comments.
  10. Apala / Don – Facilitators to allow everyone in the meeting (muted)
  11. Don – Facilitator to set Transcript – in “more” – we will have subtitles during the call and the facilitator will be able to download the script, so if in the future we want to do an article we can take the text from there.
  12. Don – Facilitator for breakout rooms – check with Farzad, this is not needed.
  13. Felecia to introduce SVPM + the speaker.
  14. Apala – Facilitator to check the chat and address any Q&A (Ask Mark how he wants to address Q&A and Questions from Chat.)
  15. David, Apala, Don – Facilitator to remove anyone on the Zoom session who exhibits any weird behaviors.
  16. David, Apala, Don – The Facilitator to mute everyone as they join, only the host and speaker can be unmuted. <<<PRESENTATION>>>
  17. Felecia – Host to close the session.
    1. Thank the speaker.
    2. inform the community about the next meetups and paste the link of the meetup page to follow up so they are informed and let guests know that we will be keeping the Zoom session open for further discussion and networking.
  18. Apala – post all follow-up links for ASVPM and the Meetup in the chat.


  1. Don – to download the recording & transcripts.
  2. Don – to upload the recording.
  3. Don – to upload the text format (this is the whole script of the presentation)
  4. Apala – to follow up with the speaker to obtain the presentation (Don to provide the links to the presentation recording and presentation files – stored on our FTP server.)
    1. Note: Transcripts are not to be shared with the public.  It will be stored on the ftp server for purposes of the Meetup team to use only for writing any follow-up articles, etc.
  5. Don/Apala – upload presentation if shared.
  6. Don – to contact the #hss group informing them when links to recording and presentation files are ready. 
  7. Apala – to send a message to the Slack general channel informing of the recording/presentation/transcript being available on
  8. Apala – will write a brief post on the meetup page with the link where we will upload the recording, etc.
  9. Apala – to send an email to the speaker after the meetup to thank him/her.


ASVPM Meetup Event Preparations for July 18, 2023

Time: 12:00 pm PDT / 2:00 pm CST / 3:00 pm EDT

Topic: Getting to Ready: Unhiding Work with a Backlog Refinement Board

Our Guest Speaker is Mark Grove


We will be going over these opening questions and updating the following checklist/assignments for this meeting:

Opening Questions:

    1. Who will be hosting? Felecia
    2. Is there a Zoom link set up for this event? Yes
    3. Where is the Zoom link for this event posted?
      1. It is posted in this event’s meetup setting.
      2. Don is set up as a Host.

Plan “B” Backup Link:

Meeting ID: 894 1646 6589

Passcode: jusvpmly23


  1. Don – Zoom Host to start meeting 20 minutes before
  2. Don – to provide co-host settings to Felecia, Apala, and Soumya.
  3. Don – to check with Mark to be sure he is in agreement with recording the event and if he is willing to share his slides for our recording: used for ASVPM and Meetup Community Members.
  4. Soumya – Facilitator to start allowing visitors/guests to enter the Zoom call – in mute (at the top of the hour – allowing 5 minutes for folks to enter the call before we start).
  5. Don –  1.) Thank the guest speaker (Mark), 2.) inform the guests that this event will be recorded, and 3.) inform attendees that wish to protect their identity in this recording to turn off their camera and/or remove their last name (or change it to an alias), otherwise they have the option to exit from this event at any time.
  6. Soumya – Facilitator to start the Meetup recording (to the Zoom cloud).
  7. Co-hosts – Felecia, Apala, and Soumya.
    1. Hosts and Co-Hosts from ASVPM are to include “ASVPM” after your name, same for the rest of co-hosts. (Optional stretch goal – set up the SVPM Logo.)
  8. Felecia – is the Event Speaker, presenting as a Zoom Co-Host will take control of the event.
  9. Soumya – Facilitator to check the meetup page – comments.
  10. Soumya – Facilitator to allow everyone in the meeting (muted)
  11. Soumya – Facilitator to set Transcript – in “more” – we will have subtitles during the call and the facilitator will be able to download the script, so if in the future we want to do an article we can take the text from there.
  12. Soumya – Facilitator for breakout rooms – if needed.
  13. Felecia to introduce SVPM + the speaker.
  14. Apala – Facilitator to check the chat and address any Q&A (Ask Mark how he wants to address Q&A and Questions from Chat.)
  15. Soumya, Apala, Don – Facilitator to remove anyone on the Zoom session who exhibits any weird behaviors.
  16. Soumya, Apala, Don – The Facilitator to mute everyone as they join, only the host and speaker can be unmuted.
  17. Felecia – Host to close the session.
    1. Thank the speaker.
    2. inform the community about the next meetups and paste the link of the meetup page to follow up so they are informed
  18. Apala – post all follow-up links for ASVPM and the Meetup in the chat.


  1. Don – to download the recording & transcripts.
  2. Don – to upload the recording.
  3. Don – to upload the text format (this is the whole script of the presentation)
  4. Don – to upload presentation if shared.
  5. Don – to contact the #hss group informing them when links to recording and presentation files are ready. 
  6. Apala – to send a message to the leadership informing recording/presentation/transcript has been stored and where (or you prefer to send an email to everyone in the @general channel?)
  7. Apala – will write a brief post on the meetup page with the link where we will upload the recording, etc.
  8. Apala – to send an email to the speaker after the meetup to thank him/her.

Analysis of the relatively lower number of attendees in meet up with Mark Grove:

Discoveries from initial research on possible reasons/causes behind why we had a relatively lower number of actual attendees in meetup with Mark Grove compared to previous meetups:

  1. Community members had already attended a meetup on the same topic by the same speaker on a different platform.
  2. Community members had access to Mark’s Video content and slide deck on the same topic which is already available on YouTube (uploaded 4 months ago)

Slides deck is available on Slideshare (uploaded in Aug, 2022)

  1. Community members did not find value in the topic with an assumption that the topic resonated with Product Owners.
  2. Members couldn’t attend due to schedule changes or time conflicts.
  3. Those who did, why did they attend the meetup? 

Possible reasons :

  1. Perhaps for Q&A during the live session.
  2. Not knowing that the content is already available on the internet. 
  3. For community inclusion/networking.
  4. Out of curiosity and loyalty by SVPM Scrum team members.

This analysis suggests that

1. Our guest speakers choose a topic carefully so that we do not lose traction and engagement from the relevant community members for our meetup group. Or, delay inviting guest speakers who have spoken on a topic in the last 6 months or so and have the exact same content already available in the public domain. (See item 1 from the above analysis.)   

2. Send out a short survey shortly after every meetup in the Thank you mail to our attendees to get some solid insights and improve on the subsequent meetups. I have checked the Meetup’s survey with questions and options for choosing stars. It is not that useful to get any meaningful insights. Most of the time members do not even take that survey. (We will be doing this in our September meetup.)


Proposal for next meetup- for closing the call:

  • During item 17 above, after the Q&A, ask the speaker if they would like to stay on the call to entertain any further discussions with the guests. Then inform the guests that we will be keeping the call open for another 10 minutes as a post-meeting social to network and entertain any further discussion. Post-meeting social will not be recorded. 
  • Stop the recording. (The 10-minute “post-meeting social” stay active.)
  • If the speaker has a “hard stop” they would be free to leave the call and the call will remain open for guest discussions.
  • Send out a short survey shortly after every meetup in the Thank you mail to our attendees to get some solid insights and improve on the subsequent meetups. Also, put that in the chat before closing the meetup.


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